I thought that for Teacup Tuesday I would share with you some of my favorite tea books. I just love to have tea parties. Most of these books are by my favorite author, Emile Barnes. The paintings in some are by Sandy Clough, some of you may be familiar with her work.
Oh I love Emilie Barnes books! I had the hardest time finding "If Teacups Could Talk" but I did finally find it. Thanks for sharing all of these titles. I try to pick up tea books when I find them.
Hi sweetie and Happy Teacup Tuesday! Hope you are having a wonderful week.
The books are so pretty, love the art work!
I love tea books!
Oh my gosh I love those book covers they look like so much fun. I will have to look for some like that I love tea parties too.
Beautiful books. I have one of the same ones you do. I have the "If Teacups Could Talk" book. Emile Barne's books are so charming and I love the artwork by Susan Rios. I have several other tea related books too that you would love. I will have to make sure to do a post on them soon. I've written myself a reminder note to do that...
Hi Pamela! I have two of the same books you have listed here! If teacups could talk and Fill my cup Lord. Do you have any of Sandy Cloughs framed teacup prints? They are gorgeous!
Oh, I love teas! And these books look very good. I love Emilie Barnes, but I don't have any of her books. I am going to keep my eyes open for one or two.
Thank you for your precious spirit and for sharing. I so enjoy my visits with you.
In His Love,
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